Oxygen is the main cause of discoloration and rancidity in packaged foods and is the key factor for the presence of mold and insects.
It is not possible to achieve an oxygen-free environment with conventional systems such as inert gas, flowpacking, heat sealing or vacuum.
Main effects of the presence of oxygen in packaged foods: mold, discoloration, oxidation of fat and insects.
Aplicaciones Biológicas a la Nutricion SL., ABN, is a family business founded in 2000 and is specialized in providing solutions in the field of nutrition industry. ABN consists of two divisions: Division of Human Nutrition and Animal Nutrition Division. Read more
+34 916 363 370
Fax: +34 917 105 666
Address: Avenida de Mercurio, 4 28229 Villanueva del Pardillo
Email: info@abnspain.com
2022. ABN Aplicaciones Biológicas a la Nutrición.
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